Party in the Dark

The Game

Party in the Dark is a game developed during the third semester of my Bachelor’s at the FH Hagenberg.

You take on the role of a spy who infiltrated the headquarters of the authoritarian party Solaria. Your job is to sabotage the party by forwarding law proposals that are unpopular with the public. You must be careful, however, not to raise too much suspicion.

Every morning, the newspaper tells you about the current polls. The game takes place during a period of 30 days before the upcoming elections.

This is an early prototype of the game that shows the core gameplay quite nicely.

You can probably already tell that the games of Lucas Pope were a huge inspiration for Party in the Dark. The concept is basically a mashup between Papers, Please and The Republia Times.

The About

Phillip Labner: Story
Florian Winkler: Art and Programming
Sebastian Winkler: Programming

Completed 2019